
I'm Fran Navarro

I make decisions based on data.

Data Scientist. Based in Granada (Spain).

About me

Data Scientist and Computer Engineer by University of Granada (UGR). I learned the fundamentals of Machine Learning algorithms, how to preprocess large amounts of data and make valuable visualizations. I like the whole AI world and IoT topics. Some Kaggle Awards (kaggle.com/fnavales), and code (github.com/fnavales)

Besides computers, I have fun training powerlifting and boxing, sometimes I upload videos on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChj14Q8m3tZRbdt0J4j3MYw).

To sum it all up, I'm passionate about technology, proactive and eager to undertake new adventures.

Interests & Skills

Machine Learning
Social Network Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis
Deep Learning


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📓 Master’s Degree Final Project
Design and Implementation of an Agent-Based Model for Massive Marketing Simulations

In this paper we propose the analysis, design and implementation of a parallel algorithm based on MapReduce to simulate marketing markets. The work focuses on analyzing Apache Spark and GraphX, a library that includes additional functionalities to deal with graphs, helping in the development of the algorithm in an efficient and scalable way. As part of this work, an experiment with different core configurations involved has been carried out to evaluate the benefits and limitations of distributed computing versus sequential computing. The obtained result suggest that applying algorithms based on MapReduce and implemented in Spark can achieve a higher efficiency compared to non-distributed implementations.

Apache SparkAgent-based modelling

Contact me

I'm ready for coding new projects, so if you're interested in a collaboration, send me an e-mail!.

Francisco Javier Navarro Morales